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How to Induce Labor at Home
If you're getting close to having that baby, you're probably feeling the most impatient you've ever felt in your entire life. Waiting on your baby to come is going to be the only thing you can think about for the last month or two of your pregnancy. If you want to try to naturally induce labor at home, you must be at least 37 weeks to be safe for you and the baby. A good thing to remember is that you can do all of these things for weeks, but if the baby or your body aren't ready for labor, then it still won't happen. There are so many different ways that people have tried over the years, and there's no way that I can list all of them, so here's some of the ones I've tried or have heard from other moms that have tried them.
- Having Sex. Everyone knows about this one. The important thing to remember is that it's not just having sex, but having an orgasm. The uterus naturally contracts, which can cause contractions to begin. Sperm can also soften the cervix, helping to dilate to begin labor as well. Some people swear that the morning after having sex they went into labor or later that day, but for me, it simply didn't happen.
- Walking. Exercising, specifically walking, has been known to help prepare the body for labor. Getting into motion and moving your legs can help to open up your hips to prepare for birth. Be careful not to do too much and tire yourself out too bad. I walked for an extra 15-20 minutes on a treadmill or around the grocery store when I went to shop for the last couple of weeks of my pregnancy; right before I went into labor, it seemed to make my Braxton Hicks stronger, but they went away.
- Birthing Ball. Getting a birthing or yoga ball to sit and bounce on can have a similar affect as walking. It makes since that gravity could help to ease the baby down into the birthing position and onto the cervix. The only times I've heard of birthing balls really helping is when you're already in labor and trying to dilate and distract yourself from contractions.
- Yoga. There are several yoga positions and squatting positions that can help with opening up your hips, helping the baby to move further into your uterus and onto the cervix. The baby's head putting pressure on the cervix can help you thin-out and dilate. Be careful with squatting and positions that can cause you to lose your balance, and don't overdo it.
- Nipple Stimulation. It is believed that nipple stimulation can trick the body into thinking the baby is nursing already, causing your uterus to contract. These muscle contractions can lead to labor contractions. It's a good idea to take it easy if you try stimulation; if it does jump-start labor, it can make the contractions more intense in the beginning and make them progress too quickly. I personally tried this method, and can say that it could definitely cause labor. I felt contractions, but nothing really stuck. I think it could have helped me in losing my mucus plug.
- Eat Spicy Foods. The science behind eating spicy food is just a theory that the digestion of the spicy food will cause contractions in the uterus as well. Several people I know say that eating spicy food helped them to induce labor. Plus it could help you clean out your system before you actually do go into labor.
- Castor Oil. Everyone has heard this one, mostly from your mom or grandma. Many doctors don't recommend drinking castor oil, so definitely ask your doctor if you really want to try this one.
- Red Raspberry Leaf Tea. This tea is supposed to help soften the cervix to start labor. Once in labor, it's supposed to make the contractions stronger and labor shorter in turn. Lots of midwives recommend drinking this tea. I know someone who swears by this tea for inducing labor and tried it with both of her daughters.
- Acupressure & Acupuncture. Acupuncture isn't as easily done and isn't really something you can do at home, but has been known to help start labor. Acupressure on the other hand is something that you can easily do at home. The spot between your thumb and finger and the spot on the back of the foot above your heel are two places I heard are the best for inducing labor.
Although I tried several of these for a couple of weeks, especially once I got to be 39 weeks pregnant, I still went past my due date by 5 days. Inducing your labor at home is possible, but it won't work thoroughly if your body and baby simply aren't ready yet. I would recommend whole-heartedly trying these methods if your around 38 weeks or more, just because it is more likely to work and be safe for you. So if you're impatiently waiting to go into labor, why not try to make it come faster with a little extra exercise or some special time with your partner?